Parental Permission Letter
I __________________________________, give permission for my minor child, ____________________________________, to participate in the Motosports
events being held at (Track Name) _______________________________________ on (Event Date)____________________________________________.
I understand the risk involved with these events and understand no medical coverage is provided in the event of injury.
I give permission for (name of adult accompanying minor) _________________________________________ to sign any forms in my absence and to make any necessary medical decisions on my behalf.

Notary Public
State of Indiana
County of________________________________________
Signed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this _____ day of _________________, 20___, by ______________________________________
(Name of Individual making statement) __________________________________________________
Seal Signature of Notary Public: ____________________________________________________________
My Commission Expires:______________________________________
Reads Racing Unlimited, Inc.
13253 East State Road 114
Akron, Indiana 46910
(574) 893-1649